A once-renowned chef, grappling with a series of personal and financial misfortunes, finds his life spiraling out of control due to his chronic gambling addiction. Desperate and unable to see a way out of his mounting debts, he decides to escape from his current situation. He flees to a secluded villa in Latin America, hoping to start anew and leave his troubles behind. Upon his arrival, the chef stumbles upon an unexpected opportunity to reinvent himself. He discovers that a man living in the villa is missing and presumed dead, providing a unique chance for the chef to assume this man’s identity. As he adopts the new persona, he is welcomed by the locals who are unaware of his true background. Follow Goojara Thriller Movies for more.
What You Wish For Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: What You Wish For (2024)
Genres: 2024 Movies | Thriller
Director: Nicholas Tomnay
Writer: Nicholas Tomnay
Stars: Nick Stahl, Tamsin Topolski, Randy Vasquez