A seasoned detective struggling with hearing loss finds himself in a dangerous situation when he is tasked with investigating a murder. The only witness to the crime is a young woman who is completely deaf, making communication a challenge from the outset. As they work together, they realize they must rely on each other’s strengths to survive. Both of them are used to living in silence, but in this case, that silence becomes a terrifying disadvantage. The killers are ruthless and silent themselves, moving through an abandoned apartment block without making a sound. The detective and the witness can’t hear them coming, and their only hope is to use their instincts and their understanding of the environment to stay one step ahead. Follow Goojara Crime Movies for more.
The Silent Hour Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: The Silent Hour (2024)
Genres: 2024 Movies | Crime, Thriller
Director: Brad Anderson
Writer: Dan Hall
Stars: Joel Kinnaman, Sandra Mae Frank, Mekhi Phifer