In the movie, a fat and outcast girl named Sara spends her days in her parents’ butcher shop anticipating the next time the popular girls’ group, of which her former childhood friend is now a member, will humiliate her. It’s a hot summer, and she watches out for kids her age who are boisterous, entertaining, and colourful because she wants to fit in with them.
What she receives in return is a mocking glance, insults, and complicity from her former friend Claudia as well as the bullying behaviour of Maca. We got there with the established dynamics, along with other films on the same theme and the association with the best-known of them, Carrie the Strange. Cerdita, or “Porquinha,” as her attackers refer to her, has been going through years of hell and already considers herself a recluse who wants to withdraw from society. Watch more Lookmovies ag full free online for streaming.
Piggy Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: Piggy (2022)
Genres: 2022 Movies | Drama, Horror, Thriller
Directors: Carlota Pereda
Writer: Carlota Pereda
Stars: Richard Holmes, Irene Ferreiro, Camille Aguilar