The story is based on the film universe “National Treasure,” which starred Nicolas Cage at the turn of the millennium. It now focuses on the life of Jess Valenzuela, a young woman – the daughter of Mexican parents – who must save a lost Pan-American treasure.
Billie, played by Zeta-Jones, is a determined black-market antiques dealer who will not let the young aspiring FBI agent get in her way.
While Billie has all the hallmarks of a traditional villain, Zeta-Jones admitted that when she was first introduced to the character, what piqued her interest was the many hidden nuances she would get to explore in playing her. Watch more Goojara Comedy movies online free streaming within a click.
National Treasure TV Series Online Free Streaming
Title: National Treasure: Edge of History (2022)
Genres: 2022 Movies | Comedy, Drama
Directors: Martin McDonagh
Writer: Martin McDonagh
Stars: Lisette Olivera, Catherine Zeta-Jones Breeda Wool