This story refers to a British crime drama TV series called “Luther.” It is about a seasoned detective named John Luther who works for the City of London Police. However, Luther’s unconventional ways and personal affairs get him in trouble and he is sent to prison for murdering a suspect. Even though Luther is in prison, he still wants to catch criminals and keep people safe. In the series, a really bad killer is killing women in London. Luther can’t resist the urge to catch the murderer, so he breaks out of prison to try to stop them. When Luther returns to fighting crime, he finds it difficult to cope with his former colleagues who no longer trust him. Luther also has to deal with his own problems and the consequences of his past actions. The show touches on topics like right and wrong, justice, and forgiveness as Luther tries to protect people from the killer and his own problems. Enjoy Lookmovie films and series online free streaming without any registration
Luther Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: Luther: The Fallen Sun (2023)
Genres: 2023 Movies | Crime, Drama, Mystery
Directors: Jamie Payne
Writer: Neil Cross
Stars: Idris Elba, Cynthia Erivo, Andy Serkis