According to the plot summary of a movie set in 2194, a researcher in a post-apocalyptic future leads an effort to end a civil war by cloning the brain of a brave soldier – her mother. The story starts with a civil war among the survivors of an Earth catastrophe, where a war hero named Yun Jung-yi is injured and falls into a coma. Her family allows a scientist to access her brain data to create an AI robot and simulate the conflict. The researcher’s daughter, also named Yun Jung-yi, discovers her mother’s secret through repeated trials in the simulation. Watch more Myflixer movies online free for streaming in HD print.
Jung_E Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: Jung_E (2023)
Genres: 2023 Movies | Action, Adventure, Drama
Directors: Sang-ho Yeon
Writer: Sang-ho Yeon
Stars: Kim Hyun-joo, Uhm Ji-won, Ryu Kyung-Soo