Dmitri, a twenty-year-old living in rural Pennsylvania, spends his days in an abandoned garage with his father. The garage, a decrepit and forsaken structure, stands as a symbol of the life they lead—a life marked by scarcity and dreams of something more. Dmitri’s father, a gentle soul with an unyielding spirit, provides a stark contrast to their harsh reality. Despite their dire circumstances, there is a profound, almost mystical connection between them. His father’s infinite wisdom and kindness create a cocoon of warmth in the cold, desolate environment. Follow Goojara Online HD Movies for more.
Bottom Feeders Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: Bottom Feeders (2024)
Genres: 2024 Movies | Drama
Director: Vincent D’Alessandro
Writer: Vincent D’Alessandro
Stars: Will Ehren, Jenny Zwigard, Graham Poore